Buddy's Place

Buddy was a pet dog belonging to the family of Trail Manager Herlon Pierce.  Buddy's Place is a memorial to beloved pets, and is located at the Gateway Southern Miss.

Buddy’s Place was created in August of 2004 as a place to honor our special pets.  It is highlighted by a memorial wall which holds plaques that can be purchased and inscribed with a personal tribute to your pet.  Plaques are available in two different sizes including a 3.5” x 6” with text only or an 8” x 10” with text and photo.  Photos can be scanned from an original print which will be returned to the owner and are subject to approval.  A portion of each plaque sold will be donated to the local animal shelter. 

Buddy’s Place contains a rainbow bridge which takes you into a landscaped area filled with an assortment of plants and trees.  Another area of Buddy’s Place is provided for our living pets.  It contains a pet comfort station which includes a drinking fountain and a cooling shower designed to accommodate our pets after a long walk on the trail.  There is even a fireplug in place to provide a target of relief for our furry companions.  Buddy’s Place is located next to the restroom facility close to the Gateway. 

If you are interested in purchasing a plaque, information forms are located at the Gateway office or you can click on the attached link to print out a form.  Completed forms should be sent to: 

Buddy’s Place
P.O. Box 17691
Hattiesburg, MS 39404-7691.

See the Hattiesburg American coverage of the dedication 8/21/2004.

Please remember that if you bring a pet to the Trace, it must be on a leash, and kept from threatening or otherwise bothering trail users. Please clean up after your pet. See Rules for Use of the Trace.

The local animal shelter is Southern Pines Animal Shelter.

Sign at the bridge

Views of the pet fountain area

View of the Memorial Wall before roofs were added

Closer, more recent view of the memorial Wall

Kevin Bates misses Buddy

inscription on the Rainbow Bridge sign