Pictures along the Longleaf Trace


Map and Pictures of the Longleaf Trace
Pictures taken on a recent round trip,
Gateway - Prentiss and return, by a visitor from Texas, Tim Hansford
of the Trace
Clyde Depot Overlook at the 
Beaver Pond
Pictures in Sumrall Pictures in Bassfield Pictures in Carson Horse Trailer Parking
Pictures of the Horse Trail How's business
along the Trace?
Memorial Day  Pictures More April pictures 
along the Trace
J. E. Swager and C. L. King just go do it!  Pictures in Prentiss Sept Pictures July Pictures More Pictures

Most pictures and maps of the Trace have been miniaturized to keep the page
from being too slow. Click on the thumbnails to see the pictures full sized.

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Official Sign at Jackson Road, showing the major sponsors

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Map of the trail. (Click to see larger image)

PDF Version

Local Distances of Interest

Gateway at Southern Miss to:

Distance in Miles

First rest stop (Frank C. Holloway Memorial)


Tunnel under 7th Street


Interstate 59 Overpass

1 1/4

West Hills Drive

1 1/2

Second Rest Stop (Sponsor - Ride South)


First Rain Stop (Sponsor -Hattiesburg Bicycle) 3 1/4
Jackson Road Station (rest rooms, vending, water) 4


Mileage Chart


Prentiss Ed Parkman Road Carson Bassfield Lott Circle Sumrall Epley Clyde Depot Jackson Road Gateway
Prentiss Prentiss 2.8 6.3 11.0 18.3 25.1 28.9 32.7 36.1 40.2


Ed Parkman  2.8 Parkman 3.6 8.2 15.5 22.3 26.1 30.0 33.3 37.5


Carson 6.3 3.6 Carson 4.6 11.9 18.8 22.5 26.4 29.8 34.0


Bassfield  11.0 8.2 4.6 Bassfield 7.3 14.2 18.0 21.8 25.3 29.5


Lott Circle 18.3 15.5 11.9 7.3 Lott 6.8 10.5 14.4 17.8 22.0


Sumrall 25.1 22.3 18.8 14.2 6.8 Sumrall 3.8 7.6 11.0 15.2


Epley 28.9 26.1 22.5 18.0 10.5 3.8 Epley 3.9 7.2 11.4


Clyde 32.7 30.0 26.4 21.8 14.4 7.6 3.9 Clyde 3.4 7.6


Jackson Road 36.1 33.3 29.8 25.3 17.8 11.0 7.2 3.4 Jackson 4.1


40.2 37.5 34.0 29.5 22.0 15.2 11.4 7.6 4.1 Gateway


 Local Distances from Gateway Southern Miss


Walkway underpass .25
Underpass on 7th St. .75
I-59 1.25
West Hills Drive 1.50
1st Rest Stop 2.00
1st Rain Stop 3.25
Jackson Road 4.30

The Trace is now being used daily by many bikers, runners, and hikers. BE CAREFUL. All the signs are up to both motorists and trail users of crossroads. There are many intersections of logging roads and seldom used access roads. But don't be lulled into complacency by these sleepy crossings. The next crossing, which looks very similar from a few yards away, may be a major thoroughfare, with vehicles coming at you at 55 mph.   

As the sign shows, walkers should yield to equestrians, and bikers
should yield to both walkers and equestrians. Be courteous and let 
other trail users know of your approach.   Even if there is plenty of room 
to pass,  give a warning. A jogger may hear your bicycle coming at the 
last second and (as recently happened) try to get out of your way in the 
wrong direction. Horses are also easily startled, and a startled horse can 
be very dangerous for the rider, and even more dangerous for the 
walker/biker/skater that startled him.  In all cases, be sure the other
 party knows you are there before passing. 

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Map with some points of interest

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 The mile maker signs show mileage (from the downtown train station, as per the old railroad markers,
not the distance on the trail), and the corresponding kilometers, and mile sponsor.

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Click on the thumbnail to see the picture described.
Parking Area and Rest Room at Jackson Road, 1/2 mile north of 4th Street

Beautiful fern bank 1 mile from Jackson Road

A special feature now fully operational is Clyde Station, about 3 miles from Jackson Road. Originally built and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Bond, who live adjacent to the stop, and now owned by the Trace, it has a deluxe rest room, picnic tables, and drink machine. It can be reserved for groups. To reach Clyde by car, turn off 4th street on to Railroad Avenue and the Bonds live on the right just before the trail and the station.

Clyde Depot Scenes

The Bonds plan to start a seniors club, and will have a sign up sheet at the depot for those interested.  They can also provide bike storage.  Anyone wishing to store their bike at the depot instead of hauling it, can do so for a quarterly fee. They will be given the combination to the door and can secure the bike to the iron rail inside so that no one else can use their bike.

 Here is the text of several notices posted in the shelter area at the depot.

Several scenic ponds are passed on your way to Sumrall

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Parking Area and Rest Room at Epley. This is just off Highway 589 at Epley Road

The trail leaves Epley, heading west toward Sumrall. Note the 
and mountain bike trail (just to the right of the paved trail). 
This side trail covers 25 miles from Epley to Carson.

Paved trail to the left, horse trail on the right, between Epley and Sumrall.

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Californian Aimee Meyer on Bandit (left), and Nicole Blackburn on Doc,
unload at Epley and start out the horse trail

Much of the trail is well shaded, with wonderful natural landscaping. 
Deep cuts and high embankments through low areas add to the interest. 

The Parking Area in Sumrall is at Railroad and Center Streets, next to the Post Office

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Heath Sumrall is building a bike shop, snack bar, game room, and golf cart complex next 
to the Trace in Sumrall. Hopefully it will be fully open by Summer 2002. He is already 
renting golf carts and selling snow-balls. Call him at 758-4900. 

Several persons have reported taking a very pleasant bicycle trip to Sumrall, eating lunch 
at Lau-Tori's, and returning. The service is reportedly good, the food excellent, and the prices 
very reasonable. The restaurant is just off the Trace; take the side road paralleling the Trace
 to your right (going west) as you cross Center Street (the main street) in downtown Sumrall.  
Po-Boy's, Cajun fries, and fried ice cream! 

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Lau-Tori's Fine Foods in Sumrall, and their new bike rack under the trees.

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Just west of Sumrall two sturdy bridges cross small streams. 
This one was sponsored by Bobby Chain,  one of the Trace's early supporters.

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Ms. Gladys has a beautiful flower garden along the trail west of Sumrall at B. Morris lane.

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ou get a chance to meet local residents on the trail. Here the Ryders and Ann 
talk to Willie Taylor, Marcus Owens, and Elijah four miles from Bassfield.

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There are several gravel parking lots especially suitable for horse trailers. One is in Carson, 
and this one is at Lott Circle between Bassfield and Sumrall.  Both are visible from highway 42.

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Four K Stables is a deluxe stable near the Trace in Bassfield, and has parking 
for horse trailers, RV's, and large groups. See pictures of their facilities. 
Primitive campers are also welcome, plus a bunk house is available.
See the 4K Stables web site for more details. 
To get to 4K from Highway 42, turn at the Texaco station and go 1 block to General
Robert E. Blount Boulevard. Turn right and 4K will be the first gravel drive on your 
left (Just after Jefferson Street)

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The Trace passes through downtown Bassfield.

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Another view of downtown Bassfield from the Trace. 

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Access parking lot just west of Bassfield at Garroway Road and Hwy 35. 
There is an RV dumping station at this parking lot, and a Ward's nearby.

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A picnic pavilion erected by Johnny Kerley in memory of his father, 
Jack Kerley, is just across the Trace from the parking area in Bassfield

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Parking area along 42 across from the Post Office in Carson.
Also see pictures of trailer parking and primitive camping area.

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A new picnic pavilion along the Trace in Carson

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Historic Bank in Carson just off the Trace. (now being dismantled)

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You pass several more bridges going west from Carson.

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Another access parking area 3 miles from Prentiss at Ben Parkman Road. 

A long bridge just east of Prentiss, sponsored by Lamar Bank. 

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The Trace ends in downtown Prentiss in a beautifully landscaped park.

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More pictures of the Prentiss park, including a group of riders passing the sponsor sign
(Pictures courtesy of Laurie Sears) 

Many Thanks need to be given to the private sponsors who stepped up early in the project (1995) when we needed initial matching funding and also needed to show public support for the idea of a trail in order to get the funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation. These people donated their money when the trail was just an idea in Stone Barefield's mind, before the land was purchased from the railroad, and before the cities and counties had signed on. Their enthusiasm and early support was instrumental in the eventual success of the Longleaf Trace. Please read the list of sponsors and thank them the next chance you get.